Cairo Coffee Collective

Indonesia – Simalem (Wet Hulled)

Introducing two fresh crop coffees from our friends at Simalem; a LeSOS Organic Certified farm in Karo, Lake Toba, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

Our story with goes back to 2019 when we traveled to Thailand for our first Coffee
Quality Institute courses. There we met Johan Kwe, who was already on his way to being a licensed Q Processor. Johan is an efficient and well-studied processing specialist who produces exceptionally sweet & clean coffees.

This month we have on offer both Honey & Wet-Hulled processes of the Indonesian Sigararutang; is a varietal that comes with the potential for excellent sweetness, body, & pest resistance which allows Simalem to effectively eliminate their use of pesticides at their 1500-1600 masl farm.

In these new coffees, find notes of White Grape, Chocolate, and a molasses finish in the Honey Process; then take notes of Vanilla pipe tobacco & a textured body in the Wet-Hulled Process.

These coffees are versatile in their ability to make a sweet, and approachable filter and at the same time make a full, sugar-sticking-in-your-cup espresso. Our priority with these coffees is sweetness in the cup.


250 Grams, 500 Grams